Research and development play a key role in the production of knowledge and technology, so investment and planning in this area is important to maintain and maintain a competitive advantage. Since developing countries, including Iran, are usually importers of advanced technologies from developed countries, and in recent years, meeting health care needs with new obstacles, including the high cost of drugs and new international trade requirements are facing As a result, Ashkan Zistaroo Company has decided to provide services to the owners of capital of the pharmaceutical industry by expanding domestic research and development, and due to the growing need and empty space for research and development, a new chapter will be opened on this industry. N.
Areas of activity of Ashkan Biodrug in the field of research and development of new drugs, generic drugs and reverse engineering of products and processes. Therefore, the company's goal in research and development according to technological needs and strategic goals can include:
Defend, support and expand existing business or lead to new business. The expansion and research of technology capabilities is also one of the goals of the research and development sector, all of which highlight the special importance of research and development in the changes and developments of the country's industry, the survival of companies and its long-term profitability.
Therefore, in order to promote the pharmaceutical industry, relying on the knowledge and skills of this company, in addition to meeting the needs of the health sector, the development and progress of the country's pharmaceutical industry can also be helped.
Certainly, trusting the experience and history of Ashkan Zistaroo Company will be a support for the success of your investment.