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Research and Development

Research and Development
The research and development unit has been operating since the establishment of the company and was launched following the fundamental growth of the drug production industry. As expected, it is engaged in research and pre-formulation studies, formulation and technical knowledge of some effective raw materials The company is the final pharmaceutical product according to international standards. Localization of technical knowledge for the production of strategic drugs and localization of their production with new and optimal technologies are other missions of this unit.
This section is one of the important units of the company that by using and using the knowledge and skills of specialized, committed and experienced personnel based on technology development and optimization and utilization of existing facilities to make drugs needed by society with high quality, increase Productivity has been achieved through the continuous improvement of processes and the conversion of technical knowledge into wealth.

Services available:
• Carrying out drug formulation and human supplement projects
• Carrying out drug formulation and animal supplement projects
• Carrying out cosmetic formulation projects
• Synthesis of drugs on a laboratory scale and its development on a production scale
• Provide advice on solving production line problems and developing technical solutions
• Transfer of technical knowledge created to pharmaceutical companies for production
• Providing theoretical services for the selection and development of drug compounds
